The technology is based on multi-stage evaporation and further water vapors condensation in the Exerger™ unit. It ensures the high quality of distillate, suitable for feeding high-pressure power plant boilers (total salinity in the range of between 2 and 10 µS, depending on the source water quality).

Low-parameter steam (from 0.12 MPa) is used as a heating thermal medium in the GreenTube™ STX-R brine heater. A multi-stage design provides for a high heat recovery degree, bringing the ratio of consumed steam to the distillate produced to 1:10. The unit is equipped with all required auxiliary equipment to ensure fully automated operation without maintenance staff engagement. Maintenance of the unit does not require special staff qualification. There is enough experience in servicing heat exchangers.

The use of TDU technology at steam power plants and enterprises with secondary steam generation allows achieving significant resource saving by reducing low-potential heat losses.

Product Owner EXERGER™
Евгений Копылов

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The technology is based on multi-stage evaporation and further water vapors condensation in the Exerger™ unit. It ensures the high quality of distillate, suitable for feeding high-pressure power plant boilers (total salinity in the range of between 2 and 10 µS, depending on the source water quality).

Low-parameter steam (from 0.12 MPa) is used as a heating thermal medium in the GreenTube™ STX-R brine heater. A multi-stage design provides for a high heat recovery degree, bringing the ratio of consumed steam to the distillate produced to 1:10. The unit is equipped with all required auxiliary equipment to ensure fully automated operation without maintenance staff engagement. Maintenance of the unit does not require special staff qualification. There is enough experience in servicing heat exchangers.

The use of TDU technology at steam power plants and enterprises with secondary steam generation allows achieving significant resource saving by reducing low-potential heat losses.

Oil production Chemical industry Теплоэнергетика Черная металлургия Хранение сжиженного газа
Схема термообессоливающей установки TDU на базе испарителя мгновенного вскипания Exerger FVC

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